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Indian Education System – 7 Important Improvements

The Indian education system has long needed transformation, and several key improvements can bring about positive change. From incorporating more practical and hands-on learning experiences to promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills, these improvements have the potential to revolutionize education in India and better prepare students for the future.

4 Pillars of The Indian Education System

Education systems in different countries are always changing, and the Indian education system is too. It affects the lives of many people and is important for personal growth and the country’s development. Let’s learn more about the Indian education system, including what it does well, where it can improve, and how it is always trying to get better.

The pillars of the Indian education system are like the important parts that hold everything up and make it work. Just like a house needs strong pillars to keep it standing, the system has these pillars to make sure everything runs smoothly.

  • Universal Access: The system wants everyone to have the chance to get an education, no matter where they come from. They have a special law called the Right to Education Act to ensure it.
  • Focus on Values: Schools teach kids about things like different cultures, being responsible, and doing the right thing. They want kids to become good and kind people. 
  • Skilled Workforce: The system helps make India’s economy better by training people to be good at different jobs in different areas.
  • Meritocratic Approach: When deciding who gets to go to college, they use tests to pick the best and most talented students based on their abilities.

How to Improve Indian Education System?

The Indian education system has many strengths, but there are also areas that need improvement. Here are some simple ways to make it better:

1. Focus on Quality Teachers

  • Training Programs: Provide regular workshops and training sessions for teachers to learn new and effective teaching methods.
  • Better Pay: Offer competitive salaries to attract and retain talented teachers.

2. Upgrade School Facilities

  • Basic Amenities: Ensure all schools have clean toilets, safe drinking water, and proper classrooms.
  • Technology: Introduce computers and internet access in schools to help students learn with modern tools.

3. Change the Curriculum

  • Practical Skills: Include more practical subjects like coding, financial literacy, and communication skills.
  • Updated Content: Regularly update textbooks and materials to keep up with current knowledge and technology.

4. Reduce Exam Pressure

  • Continuous Assessment: Use a mix of tests, projects, and activities to evaluate students throughout the year instead of one big exam.
  • Counseling Services: Provide counseling to help students deal with stress and choose their career paths wisely.

5. Encourage Creativity and Critical Thinking

  • Project-Based Learning: Allow students to work on projects that interest them and solve real-world problems.
  • Debates and Discussions: Promote debates and group discussions in the classroom to help students think critically and express their ideas.

6. Inclusive Education

  • Support for All Students: Make sure children with disabilities have access to education and proper support.
  • Equal Opportunities: Ensure that girls and children from all backgrounds get the same educational opportunities.

7. Parental Involvement

  • Parent-Teacher Meetings: Regular meetings between parents and teachers to discuss the child’s progress and areas for improvement.
  • Home Support: Encourage parents to help with homework and be involved in their child’s education.

8. Use Local Languages

  • Mother Tongue Education: Teach young children in their local language to help them understand better.
  • Bilingual Education: Gradually introduce English or other languages alongside the mother tongue.

By making these changes, we can create a more effective and inclusive education system in India.

Major Changes in The Education System

The Indian education system, while strong in many ways, requires significant changes to meet the rising demands of students and society. Here are some major adjustments that are required

  1. Focus on Skill-Based Education

Right now, schools mostly care about memorizing facts and getting good grades. They don’t always teach us useful skills for jobs. We should add more classes that teach us how to do specific jobs, how to start our businesses, and how to use technology. This way, we will be better prepared for finding jobs or starting our businesses when we grow up.

  1. Curriculum Relevance and Flexibility

We need to update what we learn in school to keep up with new discoveries and ensure everyone can learn about what they like. If we can pick what we want to learn, we can have more fun and learn things that will help us in the future.

  1. Updating How Teachers Teach

Teachers are very important in helping students learn. It is important to give teachers training so they can learn new ways to teach, use technology, and focus on students. Teachers should use fun ways for students to learn so they can think, be creative, and solve problems.

  1. Changing the way we test and evaluate students

The way we currently test students in school focuses too much on memorizing facts instead of really understanding the ideas. This can make it harder for students to be creative and come up with new ideas. If we start using different kinds of tests, like ones where students work on projects or keep a collection of their work, we can get a better idea of what they’re capable of and help them learn more deeply.

  1. Infrastructure and Allocating the Resources

Some schools in cities and towns have better things like buildings and tools for learning than schools in the countryside. Also, some schools that ask for money from parents have more resources than schools that the government funds. We need to make sure that all schools have enough money to make their buildings and classrooms better, have new things to help with teaching, and that all kids, no matter how much money their family has, can get a good education.

  1. Integration of Technology

Technology can change education in a really big way. It can help us learn better by giving us access to really good learning materials, personalized lessons that fit our needs, and tools that let us work together with others. When we use technology in school, it can make learning more fun and interactive, and it can also help us learn even if we live far away from school.

  1. Focus on equitable education

The Indian education system should be fair and helpful to all students, even those who are different or have special needs. This means giving extra help, making sure buildings are easy to use, and having teachers who know how to help everyone do their best.


To make the Indian education system better, we need to change some things so that it can keep up with the world today. We need to teach kids skills that will help them succeed in the future. We also need to be flexible with what we teach and how we teach it. Everyone should have the same opportunities to learn and use technology in the classroom. If we do all of these things, we can make the education system better for everyone.

FAQs: Indian Education System

Q: Which country has the best education system?

Ans: United States of America. The United States has the best education system in the world.

Q: Which country has the best education system?

Ans: The education system in the US is really good and many of their universities are ranked among the best in the world.

Q: 5+3+3+4 education system when will it start?

Ans: The new education system will have four different stages: foundation, preparatory, middle, and secondary. Children will spend 5 years building their basic skills, 3 years getting ready for more advanced learning, 3 years in the middle stage, and 4 years in high school.

Q: What were the features of the education system in ancient India?

Ans: In ancient times, education was all about teaching kids how to be good people in every way. They learned to be kind, honest, and hardworking, and to treat everyone and everything with respect.

Q: What were the sources of the ancient education system?

Ans: Long ago, people learned from books like the Vedas, Brahmanas, Upanishads, and Dharmasutras. They also studied writings by Aryabhata, Panini, Katyayana, and Patanjali, as well as medical books by Charaka and Sushruta.


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Abhishek Parmar

Thakur Abhishek Yuvraj Parmar crafts captivating content on India, celebrating its diverse culture and heritage, creating stories that resonate with the heart of every Indian.

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