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Exploring Mukesh Mills – Mumbai’s Haunted Textile Mill with a Spooky History

Mumbai, often called the City of Dreams, is known for its bustling streets, lively markets, and iconic landmarks. Among these well-known places is an eerie and abandoned site that has captured the curiosity of many – Mukesh Mills. This old textile mill, now in ruins, is famous not just for its history but also for the numerous spooky stories that surround it. In this blog, we will explore the history of Mukesh Textile Mills, its owners, and the haunting tales that have made it a popular spot for ghost hunters and thrill-seekers alike.

Mukesh Mills: A Brief History

Mukesh Textile Mills was established in 1870 by the East India Company. Situated in Colaba, Mumbai, it was one of the earliest textile mills in the city. The mill was built on a vast expanse of land and was equipped with the latest machinery of that time. It became a significant part of Mumbai’s industrial landscape, providing employment to thousands and contributing to the city’s economy.

The mill thrived for several decades, producing high-quality cotton and textile products that were in demand both domestically and internationally. However, like many industrial establishments, Mukesh Mills faced its share of challenges. Labor strikes, financial difficulties, and changes in the textile industry eventually led to a decline in its operations.

In 1982, a devastating fire broke out in the mill, causing extensive damage to the property and leading to its closure. The exact cause of the fire remains unknown, but it marked the end of an era for Mukesh Textile Mills. The once-thriving industrial hub was left abandoned, and over time, it became a haunting ground for paranormal activities.

Mukesh Mills Owner

The ownership of Mukesh Mills has changed hands multiple times over the years. Initially, it was owned by the East India Company, but after India gained independence, the mill was taken over by Indian businessmen. In its later years, the most notable owner of Mukesh Textile Mills was Mr. Mulchand Shah, a prominent industrialist known for his contributions to the textile industry.

Mr. Shah invested significantly in modernizing the mill and expanding its operations. Under his leadership, Mukesh Mills saw a period of resurgence, with increased production and profitability. However, despite his efforts, the mill couldn’t sustain the changing dynamics of the textile industry and the increasing competition from other mills.

After the devastating fire in 1982, Mr. Shah faced immense financial losses. The mill was shut down, and the property was left abandoned. Mr. Shah’s dream of reviving Mukesh Textile Mills was shattered, and he eventually had to let go of the property. Today, the ownership of Mukesh Mills remains with his family, but the site has remained untouched and abandoned, adding to its eerie and haunted reputation.

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Mukesh Mills Haunted Story

Mukesh Textile Mills is not just known for its industrial past but also for the numerous ghost stories and paranormal activities reported by visitors and locals. The eerie atmosphere, combined with the tragic history of the mill, has given rise to various legends and tales of hauntings. Here are some of the most popular haunted stories associated with Mukesh Mills:

1. The Ghostly Apparitions: Many visitors have reported seeing ghostly figures and apparitions within the premises of Mukesh Textile Mills. These apparitions are often described as shadowy figures that move quickly and disappear into thin air. Some have even claimed to see a woman in a white saree, believed to be the spirit of a worker who died in the fire.

2. Strange Sounds and Noises: One of the most common experiences reported by those who visit Mukesh Mills is the sound of footsteps, whispers, and eerie noises. These sounds are often heard late at night, adding to the spine-chilling atmosphere of the abandoned mill. Some have even reported hearing machinery noises, as if the mill is still operational.

3. The Possessed Actress: A famous story associated with Mukesh Textile Mills involves a Bollywood actress who was filming a movie at the location. According to the story, the actress started behaving strangely during the shoot, speaking in a different voice and claiming to be possessed by a spirit. The shoot was halted, and the actress had to be taken away for medical and spiritual help. This incident further solidified the mill’s reputation as a haunted site.

4. Unexplained Accidents: Several accidents have occurred at Mukesh Textile Mills, leading many to believe that the place is cursed. Crew members working on film sets have reported equipment malfunctioning, unexplained injuries, and even accidents that seemed to have no logical explanation. These incidents have led to a belief that the spirits of the mill workers are still present and active.

5. Cold Spots and Sudden Temperature Drops: Another common phenomenon reported by visitors is the sudden drop in temperature in certain areas of the mill. These cold spots are often associated with paranormal activity, and many believe that they indicate the presence of spirits. Visitors have described feeling an icy chill even on hot days, adding to the mill’s spooky reputation.

Why Mukesh Textile Mills Attracts Thrill-Seekers?

Despite its eerie and haunted reputation, Mukesh Textile Mills continues to attract a large number of visitors, especially thrill-seekers and ghost hunters. There are several reasons why this abandoned mill has become a popular spot for those interested in the paranormal:

1. The Thrill of the Unknown: For many, the idea of exploring an abandoned and haunted location is thrilling. The unknown and the possibility of experiencing something supernatural draws many to Mukesh Mills. The eerie atmosphere and the dark history of the place add to the excitement.

2. Historical Significance: Mukesh Mills is a part of Mumbai’s industrial history. Exploring the mill gives visitors a glimpse into the past and an understanding of the city’s industrial heritage. The combination of history and hauntings makes it a unique and fascinating place to visit.

3. Bollywood Connection: Mukesh Mills has been a popular shooting location for Bollywood movies and TV shows. Many famous films and songs have been shot here, adding to its allure. Fans of Bollywood often visit the mill to see the locations where their favorite scenes were filmed.

4. Paranormal Investigations: Mukesh Mills has become a hotspot for paranormal investigators and ghost hunters. Many teams have conducted investigations at the site, capturing evidence of paranormal activity. These investigations have further fueled the interest and curiosity of people wanting to experience the supernatural.

Visiting Mukesh Mills: Tips and Precautions

If you’re planning to visit Mukesh Mills, there are a few tips and precautions you should keep in mind:

1. Visit During the Day: It’s safer to visit Mukesh Mills during daylight hours. The place is abandoned and can be dangerous to explore at night. Additionally, many believe that paranormal activities are more intense after dark.

2. Go in a Group: It’s always better to visit in a group rather than alone. The mill is vast, and having company can make the experience safer and more enjoyable. It’s also easier to deal with any unexpected situations when you’re with others.

3. Stay Safe: The mill is in a state of disrepair, and there are many areas that can be dangerous to explore. Be cautious of loose flooring, sharp objects, and unstable structures. Wearing appropriate footwear and being mindful of your surroundings is essential.

4. Respect the Site: Mukesh Mills is a place with a tragic history. It’s important to show respect and not engage in any activities that could be seen as disrespectful. Avoid vandalizing the property or disturbing any remnants that may be present.

5. Be Prepared for the Paranormal: If you’re visiting Mukesh Mills with the hope of experiencing something paranormal, be prepared for what you might encounter. Keep an open mind but also be respectful of the spirits that may be present. Avoid provoking or challenging any entities.

Mukesh Mills Photos

Mukesh Mills Photos No 1

Mukesh Mills Photos

Mukesh Mills Photos No 2

Mukesh Mills Photos

Mukesh Mills Photos No 3

Mukesh Mills Photos


Mukesh Mills, with its rich history and haunted reputation, remains one of Mumbai’s most intriguing locations. The combination of its industrial past and the numerous ghost stories associated with it has made it a popular spot for thrill-seekers, ghost hunters, and history enthusiasts alike. Whether you believe in the paranormal or not, there’s no denying the eerie atmosphere and the sense of mystery that surrounds Mukesh Mills.

If you ever find yourself in Mumbai, consider paying a visit to this abandoned textile mill. Walk through its ruins, explore its dark corners, and immerse yourself in the spooky history that makes Mukesh Mills a truly unique and fascinating place. But remember, always approach with caution and respect for the spirits and the history that linger within its walls.

FAQs: Mukesh Mills

1. What is Mukesh Mills?

Mukesh Mills is an abandoned textile mill located in Colaba, Mumbai. Established in 1870 by the East India Company, it was one of the earliest textile mills in Mumbai. The mill has a rich industrial history but is now more famous for its haunted reputation and paranormal stories.

2. Who was the owner of Mukesh Mills?

The ownership of Mukesh Mills changed over the years. Initially owned by the East India Company, it was later taken over by Indian businessmen after independence. The most notable owner in its later years was Mr. Mulchand Shah, a prominent industrialist.

3. Why is Mukesh Mills considered haunted?

Mukesh Mills is considered haunted due to numerous reports of paranormal activities. Visitors and locals have reported seeing ghostly apparitions, hearing strange noises, experiencing sudden temperature drops, and witnessing unexplained accidents. These stories have contributed to the mill’s eerie reputation.

4. Can I visit Mukesh Mills?

Yes, you can visit Mukesh Mills, but it is important to take precautions. The site is abandoned and in a state of disrepair, making it potentially dangerous. It’s advisable to visit during the day, go in a group, and be cautious of your surroundings.

5. Are there any famous incidents associated with Mukesh Mills?

One of the most famous incidents involves a Bollywood actress who reportedly behaved strangely and claimed to be possessed by a spirit while filming at the mill. This incident, along with other reports of paranormal activity, has added to the mill’s haunted reputation.

6. Has Mukesh Mills been featured in any movies or TV shows?

Yes, Mukesh Mills has been a popular location for Bollywood movies and TV shows. Many famous films and songs have been shot at the mill, making it a notable location for fans of Indian cinema.

7. What precautions should I take if I visit Mukesh Mills?

  • When visiting Mukesh Mills, it’s important to:
  • Visit during daylight hours.
  • Go in a group.
  • Wear appropriate footwear and be cautious of unstable structures.
  • Respect the site and avoid vandalizing the property.
  • Be prepared for potential paranormal experiences and avoid provoking any entities.

8. Is there any entry fee for visiting Mukesh Mills?

As of now, there is no official entry fee for visiting Mukesh Mills. However, since it is private property, it’s advisable to seek permission from the owners or caretakers before visiting.

9. What is the best time to visit Mukesh Mills?

The best time to visit Mukesh Mills is during the day. Daylight provides better visibility and makes it safer to explore the abandoned site. Visiting at night is not recommended due to safety concerns and the increased potential for paranormal activity.

10. Can paranormal investigators visit Mukesh Mills?

Yes, many paranormal investigators and ghost hunters have visited Mukesh Mills to explore its haunted reputation. If you are a paranormal investigator, it’s advisable to seek permission from the property owners and take necessary precautions during your visit.

11. Is Mukesh Mills safe for tourists?

Mukesh Mills is not a typical tourist attraction and can be dangerous due to its abandoned and deteriorating condition. Tourists should exercise caution, visit in groups, and avoid exploring unsafe areas within the mill.

12. What are some of the common paranormal experiences reported at Mukesh Mills?

Common paranormal experiences reported at Mukesh Mills include sightings of ghostly apparitions, hearing strange noises and whispers, sudden temperature drops, and unexplained accidents. Some visitors have also reported feeling an eerie presence and experiencing unusual sensations.

Abhishek Parmar

Thakur Abhishek Yuvraj Parmar crafts captivating content on India, celebrating its diverse culture and heritage, creating stories that resonate with the heart of every Indian.

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